Sunday, 25 September 2011

Crow...Keeper of the Sacred Law...." Will You Shape Shift"

Crow Totem-Stanley Park British Columbia

Crow you are have a piercing stare. I feel you know more than I do, but, like me you can be mis-understood. Do I really know you?

Crow, you pierce me with your stare and you ask me....

"Follow me into the veil of darkness...your Inner World...Know what I know...Step into the Mysteries....Know the unknowable mysteries within your Creation...

....I am the Keeper of the Sacred Laws....

Crow & The Moon (In Tarot the Moon can be Illusion)

I am perceived as" Illusion", you may not hear my voice, yet I am forever whispering from the hidden soul within...reminding you of the "Universal Laws or Law of Attraction"

In Native Legend, Crow can bend the laws of the Physical Universe and "Shape Shift"...taking on another physical form to observe what is happening far away. (Quote Sams and Carson-Discovery of Power through the Ways of Animals)

(Google Photo)

Crow is the master of Illusion. He can "Shape Shift" ...bringing an awakening in the process.

....I Look at You and I Ask...

Vancouver British Columbia
(Photo by Ravenmyth)

" What is your Illusion?"
"What Form do you take on?"
"What is your Perceived Self"

I believe we come to this world with a "Signature" and we spend the rest of our lives trying to find it...hence the understanding of where we fit within the cosmos of life.

We as human beings are on our Life Quest of " Self Discovery"...unraveling the Mystery of our own Creation....

....And Crow Asks..... " Follow Me"...

Lets take a leap
 "Follow Me into your own Worlds upon Worlds"

Crow-Piercing the Veil

What do you "See" reflecting back to you as you pierce the "Layers of your Mask"

Coast Salish Carving-Crow Mask

....." Fall with Faith into Your Worlds".....
"May you always be Inquisitive in what lies beyond what you can "See"

(Photo-Deviant Art)

In your World do you reflect the "Illusion" of "Fear" around your "Self Worth"
In your World do you "Perceive"...." I never measure up to the "Expectations" of other's....I KNOW I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH"
In your World do you say.... " I am not "Responsible for what I "Create"

In your World do you say.... " I am "Fine"...everything is " Good"...when your World is crumbling around you"

Am I Illusion

My World of "Fear" can sometimes carry the "Illusion" of depression and loss of hope and faith in my purpose.
My World of "Perception" says .... " Stop trying, it is never good enough anyways"
My World of "Responsibility" ....." I am not "Responsible" and then I give all the "Reasons" why"

My World of "Denial" I allow others to enable me to allow myself to live the untruths I have created to survive the fear of what is really happening in my life.

 Will I Turn Away

My World has deep will I allow the Piercing stare of Crow to penetrate those layers and begin the awakening process of Change?

.....An the Soul Whispers....

Human Law is not the same as Sacred Law.
(Quote Sams and Carson)
We adapt our Worlds to fit into the acceptable behaviour patterns of "Society". We are the "Illusion" ....within an "Illusion".

Crow & Raven

"Crow sees the Physical World and the Spiritual World as humanity interprets an Illusion. There are billions of Worlds....there are Infinite Creatures...the Great Spirit is Within All" (Quote Sams and Carson)

Omen of Change

There is an essence of the "Death Card" in Tarot within this photo which I call "Crow-Omen of Change. Within the Tarot, Death can depict new beginnings and the end of old is a process of change from one state to another. It falls in the area of Life Challenges for Endings, Transition, Elimination and Transformation. Change is one of the hardest challenges the Human Spirit faces on a daily basis.

....Crow comes to you as an Omen of Change....

 Will You Follow Me?

(Quote Sams and Carson)
"Are you Cawing so I may know the secrets of Balance within my Soul?"
"Are you sending your Sacred Caw just to remind me of Universal Laws?"(end Quote)

You Choose....Where does your World lie within the "Call of Crow"?

The Human Soul, like Crow lives in he Void and has no sense of time. Crow sees Past, Present and Future simultaneously...merging light and darkness...seeing your Inner World of Reality and your Outer World of Reality.

Crow and Wolf (Illusion and The Teacher)

When you allow the process of change to unravel the Illusions you
have lived in your Worlds you begin to be the Voice of your own Soul. It is now that
Your Voice becomes a powerful Advocate for your "Voice in the Wilderness"....pulling up through the layers of your Illusions and stepping into Crow.
"Crow  teaches us to Know ourselves beyond the limitations of one-dimensional thinking of Laws" (Quote, unknown Author)

Crow teaches you to dissolve old patterns and live your part in the "Universal Law"....for it takes one to begin change that will then reverberate through Worlds upon Worlds.
" Be willing to walk your talk, speak your truth and know your life's mission. "(Quote Sams and Carson)

...."Shape Shift Your Soul"....

The Magic of Crow

Be that Shape Shifter....bend the Physical Laws
.... Shape Shift your Worlds....

....Personal Integrity becomes your Guide...
....You no longer feel Alone....
....Personal Will guides you to stand in your Truth....
....You are now Mindful of your Opinions and Actions....
....Balance Past, Present and Future into the Now....

Know that we all live in Multiple Worlds...shifting between our layers in the Human Condition....due to our fear of change.

Be Crow Magic

Create with Crow Magic and appreciate the many dimensions of who you are. Learn to trust your personal integrity and your intuition.


....Crow Asks....


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Saturday, 3 September 2011

Walking Amongst the Giants...".Look" up and "See"....

(Google Photo)

Hawk, circle over my Dreams and Teach me the Message as we fly.
(Quote, Totem Animals, Sams & Carson)

Hawk Medicine teaches us to be observant-to look at where you are-observe the obvious in everything you do.

How many times do you box yourself in and take on the perspective of that view through the eyes of another? Do you Discount the Beauty of "Who you are" to fit into that box owned by another.

(Photo by Ravenmyth)

There are places on this earth that bring you to your knees and remind you that "Life" is for "Living"
We so often get consumed by the minutia of "Life" and do not see, hear or feel the wonders of "Life"

When do you look up...when do you sense and feel your surroundings, when do you allow yourself to look beyond the mundane? I mean really "Look".

What are the "Signs" being presented to you "Look" from your own "Perspective"?

When do you say " It is ok to look at my own Big Picture"?

Do you seek to "Look" at your own "Potential"? Do you get insight into parts of your life that need to be "Looked" at? Do you get a sense that you need to "Look" at  making a course correction...even though it may be fearful?

Reflection-Yosemite National Park
(Photo Ravenmyth)

What are you "Reflecting"?

When you rise above the "Forest" of your "Life"....move beyond the undergrowth and the perceived reflection holding you to the forest floor. You can see the Big Picture only from "Looking" from above. Can you now see the minute details that anchor you to the forest floor?

...Hidden in your Fears...
...Hidden in your Expectations...
...Hidden in your Needs...
...Hidden in your "Doing" rather than "Being"...
...Hidden deep behind your Veil and your Mask...

Behind the Veil
Photo by Ravenmyth

None of this is "New"...these are just old "Patterns" we use to survive.
And we Hide on the Forest Floor.....
We do not hear the "Cry of the Hawk"

Hawk asks us to "Look" deeper...lift the Veil...lift the Mask...release the "Potential" of "Who you Are"...

Sequoia Seedling-Yosemite National Park
(Photo by Ravenmyth)

Adult Sequoia-Yosemite National Park
(Photo Ravenmyth)

The seedling trusts that in 2000 years it may reach it's potential height. That is how long it takes a Sequoia Tree to reach maturity.

Will you trust when you hear the "Cry of Hawk"....for our time, compared to the Sequoia is short.

Have you had an idea...... shared it with someone and they say..." Wow that is great, you should do that". But alas, then you all the phrases start to play out.

...What if I fail?...
...I can't do that!...
...How do I even begin?...
...What if others disapprove?...

You are finished before you even start.

Peregrine Falcon-Yosemite National Park
(Photo Ravenmyth)

Hawk is asking you to "Look" beyond your own mask. He knows that if something does not work out, he adjusts his course and tries again. If he does not try...he will never know the potential of his life. He trusts that when you are observant and you follow that instinct, there is a reason and he is prepared to "Look" at a new way.

We all have aspirations

...To Succeed...
---To Love and be Loved...
...To Achieve...
...To fulfill our Wants and Needs....
...To be Valued...
...To be Accepted...
...To make mistakes and get up and try again...
...To Grow and Learn....
(just to mention a few)

Life is the initiation. When you are with Hawk a clue about Life's Magic is being presented.You are being empowered to overcome. Do you see...I mean "Look" and really "See". Are you observing your own Nuances of Power?

Have you lost the "Vision" of Hawk...the "Vision" of your "Big Picture"? are only as Powerful as your capacity to "Perceive, Receive and use your Abilities.

Google Photo

Hawk calls forward, within the state of your awareness and asks you to "Look" at your own "Truths" "Seek Self"...Only through your own awareness can you Actualize your "Looking" through the layers within...going deep into the understanding of your own Responsibility...for the " Life you Weave"

...Life Creation within your Web, waiting to be unfurled....
(Photo Yosemite National Park-Ravenmyth)

It is then that you step into your Personal is from here you "See"...but first you must be prepared to "Look"

It is Hawk that "Sees" the overall view. The detail of your "Life"...the signals being forever transmitted for you to observe and then choose those fine course corrections.

Hawk asks you to "Circle" over your "Life" and "Look" at it from a higher perspective. From here you may "See" the tangled Web we Weave...and unravel it to it's full potential....

(Photo by Ravenmyth)

The Falcon is Awareness and Teller of Truth. He sees beyond the Mask. Falcon has the ability to move between the seen and unseen worlds. He has Prophetic Insight and Clear Vision. Falcon is unified with the "Great Spirit"...He is the messenger that awakens "Our Vision" and inspires us to a "Creative Life Purpose".

...Are you ready to answer the "Cry of Hawk"....?

"Open to the Potential of your Own Creation"


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