"Owl.....Magic, Omens, Time and Space...
Does the Truth Emerge?
Casting out Deception
Silent Flight
Sacred Medicine Bird
(quote Sams & Carson)
The Year 2011 called you to "Balance and Harmony" as seen within the Medicine Wheel.
We left 2011 with the Butterfly....she being the beginning to the Year 2012....the Year of Transition...
But, to step into Transition, first we must agree to Transform. It is here that we continue within the Journey of Butterfly....as she leads us to ...
"Owl Transition"
....Within our Year of Transition we may begin to ask ourselves....
" What does that mean to Me?"
We move through the Layers of the Medicine Wheel, Transform within Butterfly and then......?
" I heard the Owl call my name....but who am I"
In Butterfly we were asked to break old patterns....this is not easy.
And When I do....
What Then?
Who Am I?
If I am dis-mantling parts of the "Old Me"
How do I Know Myself?
(Susan-Seddon Boulet)
If we Choose...this is where we begin within our Transition
Are you prepared to start clearing your canvas to begin to paint again?
The key here is " Start"....everything New "Starts" with a beginning.
I ask you to move beyond your fears....if you can...as you may ask the question...
What is this going to look like for me?
We all have to start somewhere...the beauty is....if the new pattern does not work or fit ....you just paint again. We have a whole lifetime...and there are no mistakes....we just keep on painting....
Depicted through the Art of Susan-Seddon Boulet
As Butterfly was the symbol of the Human Soul in First Nations Culture, Owl is believed to be the symbol of the Soul Departed.
As in the Medicine Wheel, we can look at this not as a physical death, but as a Soul's
Departure from Old Patterns and Old Habits to New....
Susan-Seddon Boulet
With Owl guiding us every step of the way...making the Unseen and the Unknown...Known, we experience another layer of Spiritual Death. We may, if we choose, move into our Soul Transition...allowing the Death of that which no longer serves us to take place....
We are all Visionaries and what we see is our Soul in Things
( Coast Salish Nation)
The Universal Wisdom of Owl awakens the imagination and shows that true strength is gentle. He aids you in seeing the total truth which always leads you closer to your own self awareness.
I feel that it is important to realise that Strength is Gentle...and this is what is needed when you choose to take those steps into the unseen parts of you ...
Those parts
We avoid
We do not like
Where we feel unlovable
We are afraid of
Here we can begin to let that Spiritual Transference take place, choosing to integrate the Wisdom and Guidance of Owl ...for he is the Sacred Medicine Bird of Silent Flight.
It is within the Silence that we Transform and then step into the Transition of what that Transformation may begin to look like.
Snowy Owl
The Medicine Wheel is a Silent Teacher guiding us through a circle of lessons that we must pass through on our Road of Life (Quote Tony Grey Owl)
He is associated with the North. It is the place of Winter where the Knowledge of the Elders exist in the place of True Wisdom.
We may sink into the Silent Flight and begin to integrate the Teachings of the Medicine Wheel and take those first steps to begin our transformation of Butterfly....entering into our state of Transition within the Cocoon Stage.
Now we begin to Interpret Self
The Owl Calls Your Name.
Margaret Craven
In the book " I Heard the Owl Call My Name" by Margaret Craven the Myth of the Coast Salish of British Columbia, Canada believe that when you hear the call of the Owl it foretells a death.
However, Death is not always a physical death....it can be a Death of Old Ways and in this case..." Dis-mantling the Old Me"
Let us just consider letting the old ways " End" because of "Completion" or " They no longer serve the greater good of who you are."
Burrowing Owl in Flight
Photo Google
Begin to see yourself as you truly are....let go....step outside of your shadow to see yourself in a different awareness....now standing in the centre of your Medicine Wheel of Creation...
Observing all Aspects of Self in a "State of Knowing" the New Beginnings of who you are about to become.
( Northwest Coast Salish-Owl)
In some Native Culture's the Owl also sits in the East where we learn to "Trust in Our Own Vision" and believe in that which we do not see. You may want to consider at this point beginning to trust and embrace your own "Inner Guidance" ......lead by Owl....taking you to that yet unknown perception of who you are becoming.
( Susan-Seddon Boulet)
Within the concept of Re-Birth, how many times have you re-defined yourself....even if it is just a small change? It is still a Re-Birth within the original definition of self. Each small change becomes a movement that plays upon your own "Web of Life"...taking it in a different direction...but silently revealing a little more of the unknown and the unseen.
And we Weave
( Northwest Coast Salish)
As we become comfortable within our choices we begin to see clearly and recognise the strength within....embracing the "Will" to "See" who we choose to become...no longer living in that state of Deception.
To do this I feel you need to be willing to focus on the"Now"and be truly in "The Moment"
This is not always Easy as Life is constantly pulling us into a State of Automatic Pilot where we function on an unconscious level.
When you start to hone the skill of being fully in the moment you can begin to flow in the change as it happens. Here you "Own It"
This takes time and practise and it is easy to slip back into Automatic Pilot. Remember...this is what you are used to and it is a Pattern or Habit.
However, over time the new Pattern of living in the moment of change becomes familiar and you begin to recognise the nuances of being in that flow of energy.
Each awareness builds on the next until this becomes "Your New Automatic Pilot"
This becomes the Practise of Letting Go of Old Habits which is essential to Knowing who you are becoming.
( North West Coast Salish-Qualicum)
Do you choose to step into the Tides of Change?
This would be a Choice...stepping into this Year of Transition...setting into motion the outcome you Seek.
But first you must Choose
Will you link with Owl Wisdom, Foresight and Keeper of the Sacred Knowledge?
He is ruler of the Night and Keeper of the Sacred Souls. The symbolic meaning of Owl within Native Culture revolves around Guardianship of the Underworlds and this relationship gave the Owl some negative associations with Death.
The Strength of Owl would be invoked during ceremonies when prophesy of Secret Knowledge or a Message of the Unknown is involved.
(Quote Animal Symbology-Squamish Nation)
The Great Horned Owl
The Night Eagle
Within several Native Cultures "Owl" is called the "Night Eagle".
He is Illumination
" I Heard the Owl Call My Name" becomes the Metaphor for allowing Illumination from the East in the Medicine Wheel to Guide you...as he silently flies through this Year of Transition.
Will you choose?
When you ask " Who Am I?"
....you invite Owl to Guide you...
Let that first brush stroke flow upon your canvas
Become the Silent Hunter
Within our human condition, we can be afraid of the Night and the Unseen or Unknown.
How often have you spent the Night awake...all those Fears Looping through your mind until you fall asleep in pure exhaustion?
Owl is Nights Friend. They are the Night Hunters. Their feathers are Silent as they pierce the Nights Sky
Let Owl pierce your Nights Darkness of Fear.
It is Fear that keeps us from our "Full Potential" ....Stops our Tides of Change....
It is too Hard
It is too Uncomfortable
I hold back
Who Am I
How Did I Get Here
I Feel Lost
Will I Recognise Me
Rande Cook (Northwest Coast Salish)
Owl can see what you cannot. This is the essence of True Wisdom.
When you deceive yourself and stay in the Illusion.... Owl Sees and Knows what is there.
Let the Veil fall and Trust the Guidance that Owl brings.
You now become a part of your own " being in the moment of your full awareness"
You are in Control of How you Choose and then live the affects of your Choices in the Now...you no longer have anything to Fear...
Fear no longer is in control.
Susan-Seddon Boulet
Here you begin to "See" through the Eyes of Owl
You have silently conquered the Unseen of the Night and given it the Power and Strength for "Change through Choice"
You have become Nights Friend and the Night Hunter
The Hunt For Self
Now I See What I had Lost
Now I See the Potential of What I Seek to Become
I See Me
Rande Cook
Northwest Coast Salish
I ask you to join me in being "Silently Observant" of who you are today and to "Begin" to "Know" yourself.
Let Owl Guide you to Self Truth
You are a Child of Time and Space
What Do You Dream of You?
Susan-Seddon Boulet
I Heard the Owl Call My Name
Will I Walk Through That Door Into the Unseen
Will I Answer
I Will...
I am Worth It
I am no longer Afraid
Night Eagle
Facing the Unknown & The Unseen
Photo Google
Sams & Carson
Authors Note
Like the beat of a Native Drum there has been repetition within this post.
When we sense the rhythm of the Earth we Remember our connection to the Esoteric.
When we See Repeated Phrases and Words we Integrate on a Subconscious level the Rhythm of a New Pattern.
I look forward to Knowing You!